
Shipping Policy

Order Processing and Delivery

Once our system processes your order, your products undergo a thorough inspection to ensure they are in perfect condition. After passing the final quality check, they are carefully packed and handed over to our trusted delivery partner. Our delivery partners will then deliver the package to you at the earliest possible time. If they are unable to reach your provided address or deliver at a suitable time, they will contact you to resolve the issue.

International Shipping

International clients are requested to place orders after contacting our service team through the WhatsApp link provided. International orders placed directly may be cancelled by the administrator. International clients are not required to pay import duties levied by their government to Shroots. Instead, clients will need to pay customs duty to the courier provider to receive the product. Shroots is responsible only for handing over the package to the courier partner who ships internationally. Shroots will supply all necessary documentation required from the shipper’s end.

How are items packaged?

Our products are packaged in boxes, which may be covered with a plastic layer. Each fragile item is carefully wrapped in bubble wrap. We take great pride in the quality of our packaging.

What is the range of locations to which Shroots ships their products?

Shroots ships products across all serviceable pincodes in India.

My order has been shipped. Now how can I track it?

After placing your order, you will receive a confirmation message on your registered email and phone number. As we prepare and ship your order within 24 hours of confirmation, you will receive shipping confirmation and further updates via your registered email. We encourage customers to create an account for optimal service.

What is the estimated delivery time?

We usually dispatch most orders within four business days (excluding Sundays and public holidays). While we strive to avoid delays, certain products might cause a delay in your order. In case of shipping international orders (which have been approved by the administrator or the incharge), delivery may be delayed due to logistics, public holidays, and other factors. During Sale events, dispatches may be slightly delayed due to increased volumes. We aim to dispatch all orders within five days of the order date.

My order will be shipped in multiple shipments? What does this mean?

Don’t worry! This is completely normal. It simply means that different parts of your order have been shipped from our various warehouse locations. Rest assured, you will only need to pay the shipping/CoD charge, if applicable, on the first package you receive. International orders (which have been approved by the administrator or the incharge), in most instances, will be shipped in their entirety as one shipment.

Are there any shipping charges applicable on my order?

We have standard shipping charges for most addresses.

For shipping within India, a flat charge of Rs.150 is applied to all orders which do not meet the minimum order threshold. For order with cart value more than the order value threshold, shipping is offered free of any extra charges.

Does Shroots ship outside India?

Currently, Shroots ships only within India. However, we are working on expanding our delivery services to many other countries, so stay tuned!